Friday, July 29, 2011

Use Success Programs To Supercharge Your Life

Confrontations appear everywhere in our lives and under all circumstances. It doesn't matter whether we're wealthy or poor, black or white, good or bad, in this country or continents away. We all have our problems and we all have to deal with them in our own way. So I really feel that  we all have our special challenges.

The poor are defined by scarcity and fear. The jobless are defined by anxiety and concern. The sick are defined by pain and fear. It must then follow that how we deal with our problems must be of prime importance.

I recently listened to a success program on this subject by Wayne Dyer called, There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem.  It's based on the idea that we are all part of this huge universal energy field, which ranges all the way from the highest of energies such are light and thought and continues all the way down to the lower energies, which includes our material world where all our problems exist. This huge magnetic field has access to all of the knowledge there ever was in the universe. Since everything is energy, we're also all part of this field and have access to it.

Have you ever wondered why we seem to be having one problem after another? We start worrying about one problem and bam! - we get hit with another. That's because we start WORRYING about the problem, THINK about the problem, IMAGINE the problem - and as a result, We are already manifesting more and different problems for ourselves with that energy.

The 'like attracts like' concept implies that when you use negative thoughts, those bad feelings attract negative people and circumstances, making absolutely everything and everyone unhappy and - well, 'negative'. However, when you're happy and cheerful, in a positive frame of mind, you start attracting more and more positive, helpful circumstances.

According to Dr. Dyer, while positive energy produces the positive results in our lives, the reverse is also true. All negativity is a manifestation of low energy and will produce negative results or problems.  Dr. Dyer shows us how to raise those energy frequencies where we can get at the spiritual solutions to our problems - and in his self-improvement programs he gives us step by step strategies for increasing spiritual power.

Using Success Programs or Motivational Seminars is a great way to change your vibrations to higher frequencies. Some people listen to some of the seminars by well known gurus. These programs are recognized educational resources and are an investment in your spirituality!self-esteem. Also many of these programs can be written off as an educational expense against your taxes. In my opinion Nightingale-Conant is the best source for these great programs.

I always try to use material written by an expert or guru in the field, rather than just using theory. The same things goes for self-growth programs, seminars and courses. The person who has already 'been there' has more to offer you.

So start now and stock up on some of the great self-improvement programs. It's never too late to become successful and problem-free!

Jane Harding is a Success Webmaster and Writer. She creates blogs and articles around self-growth subjects like manifestation, faith, miracles, and more. Among her websites are Success Is Within Your Reach and Success And Self-Growth Are No Accident!

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