Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Universal Laws that Create Your Future

One of the books that has been an important part of my life, shaping many of my thinking and planning processes was Bob Proctor's book, "You were Born Rich". The following is inspired by this book and includes direct quotes.

Dr. Wernher Von Braun, whom many consider the "father" of the space program, was once quoted as saying "...I just can't envision this whole universe coming together without something like divine will. The natural laws of the universe are so precise that we have no difficulty building a spaceship to the moon and can time the flight with the precision of a fraction of a second."

Obviously, he possessed a tremendous understanding of the laws of the universe and he understood just how consistent and precise those laws are. One of those laws is the Law of Attraction and it is through this law that we will attract to ourselves the people, the ideas and the things we need in order to achieve our goals.

In order to understand how this law works, we need to realize that everything in this universe is in a constant state of vibration. The human body is one of the most efficient electrical instruments in the entire universe. This is nothing new, since for many years, we have been reading the electrical impulses of the brain (an EEG) as well as of the heart (an ECG). In fact the brain is really a vibratory instrument.

We have all heard people talk about vibrations, but the vast majority of people are not aware of the connection between their vibrations and their results in life. It's very common to see people with "bad vibes" trying very hard to get good results, while at the same time, their negative vibrations are drawing to them all manner of negative people and situations.

The good news is that any time that we find ourselves in a negative mind frame we can CHANGE these vibrations.

Bob Proctor, in his book "Born Rich" uses an acorn as a graphic example of how the law of attraction works. He tells us to visualize this acorn and understand that it, like anything else that appears solid, is really a mass of molecules at a very high speed of vibration. Within the acorn is the nucleus or patterned plan which dictates the vibratory rate and also governs the end-product into which it will grow.

As soon as the acorn is planted, the patterned plan sets up an attractive force and begins to attract everything that vibrates in harmony with it. It attracts all the necessary particles of energy from the ground and they begin to join up and grow. As it expands, little shoots grow out of the bottom, forming roots. Also they begin to grow upward, finally breaking through the earth. These top shoots then begin attracting molecules from the atmosphere, continuing the growth until one day, it becomes an oak tree.

Unlike the human creature, the acorn does not have the ability to change its vibratory rate. It therefore can only grow into what it has been programmed to become - namely, an oak tree. But you and I have the ability to change our vibratory rate and therefore we can choose our own programming. The goal or image that you plant into your wonderful mind by constantly dwelling upon it is the patterned plan or nucleus which determines what you will grow into. It determines what you will attract to you and what you will repel.

As Bob Proctor says, "This is an orderly universe; nothing happens by accident. The images which you plant in your marvelous mind instantly sets up an attractive force which governs your results in life.... It's up to you to get into harmony with what you want out of life rather than what you don't want.
 Clearly, you'll never get into harmony with prosperity if you insist on holding images of lack and limitation. Since you're always magnetized towards something, it follows it can never be anyone else's fault when something comes into your life which you supposedly do not want. Understand, you have ordered it, and it is being delivered to you, right on schedule."

So program your mind with worthy goals and ideals; weed, feed and attend to those seeds and you'll see them grow into YOUR FUTURE.

More about Bob Proctor at

June Hardy of is editor of several Motivational Motivational Websites and Blogs: These are dedicated to maximizing success in our lives as well as on the internet. Lots of great inspirational stories and success strategies.  Motivational Blog  and Self Help Website

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Why Not Explore Your Own Inner Space?

Even though this is is the Space Age, it seems that individually, our greatest need is not so much the exploration of Outer Space, but rather that of our inner space. With this will come the resolution to all the issues of our lives.  Why not take destiny into our own hands. LET'S GO INTO ORBIT!

    .  .  June

This is the Space Age! Explorations in outer Space are going on in leaps and bounds. Yet the problems of the individual are not that much different from those of the earlier stages of civilization. They're only more so!

This is the age of exploration and expansion. Everything is expanding at a tremendous rate, including the expansion of our intellect and our experience.

In order to keep pace with this rapid growth, it seems to me that our greatest need is not so much the exploration of Outer Space, but rather that of our inner space. Yes, we need to take total control of our minds, thereby controlling our destinies.
Donald Curtis in his early book, 'Your Thoughts can Change Your Life' suggests 12 steps you can take towards integrating your whole being and accomplishing what you want from life.

The following ten steps have been adapted from his ideas.

1. RELAXATION. Relaxation is the starting point for harmonious living . There's no limit to the healing power of the forces within if we learn to relax.

2. EXPECTATION. Expectancy in our minds is the cause of everything that happens to us in our lives - both GOOD and BAD. So we must expect the best!. Our attitude must be "Something wonderful is About to Happen!"

3. RECOGNITION. We must recognize the Indwelling Power. Those of us who believe in God recognize Him in this power - but others may call it the Universal Power, the Higher Power, Energy.. The name doesn't matter, because it's always there for our use.

5. DEDICATION. In order to be truly ALIVE, we need to have a reason for living. We need a greater Purpose in our lives, so we must dedicate ourselves to helping humanity in our own special way.

6. INTENTION. If we're to reach our full potential, we need to aim higher than just getting things because we want them. Align your wants to your needs. Hitch your Wagon to a Star!

7. CONVICTION. Know in your heart that what you visualize is already in the process of creation.

8. PROJECTION. Our feelings and thoughts project outwards in the universe. If we have love and harmony, we not only direct these outward towards others, but also draw more of the same into our lives.

9. ACTION. We must now take action.- Make an action plan, study, investigate and follow through and KNOW that a process has been set in motion.

COOPERATION. Nothing is ever accomplished in a vacuum. We must always work with other people. With love , expectation and cooperation, those people will rally around and everything will be accomplished with joy.

If we study and work on each of these steps and apply them to any particular problem or situation in our lives, we will move inevitably towards the conquest of our Inner Space, out of which comes all the issues of our lives.

We're all living in the Space Age - why not take destiny into our own hands. LET'S GO INTO ORBIT!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

What Is Happiness? True Happiness Is A Decision!

Happiness is a very individual issue. My personal way to be happy is to be around positive people, enjoying whatever I'm doing and feeling that my world is just wonderful. What is your definition of happiness? Did you know that being happy is a decision? There are lots of things you can do to guarantee that you are happy. Some of them are listed in the article below.

. . June

What Makes People Happy? 5 Important Factors That Bring Happiness
By Michael Lee

 Different people have different opinions on what makes people happy. Some would say it's getting a raise. Others would say it's having a wonderful and meaningful life. There have even been quite a few who have more specific answers pertaining to their personal life.

All of these answers hit home, of course. While everyone has their own opinion, some universal things like the ones below might be considered as what makes people happy.

1. Family and friends

One of the things that make people happy is the company of family and friends. The emotional support these people give you is priceless.

You probably don't enjoy being smothered by your mother or your father, but attending family reunions or getting together for a barbecue once in a while pumps up your happiness level. Having people around you that you love, trust and care for makes you feel that you're not alone.

2. Giving back

Helping others, whether in small or big ways, uplifts a person's spirit like nothing else. Doing something for nothing might be completely opposite of what you have been taught, but acts of generosity always leaves you with a warm, fuzzy feeling.

Sharing your wealth or time with others puts you in the position to receive the same positive energy back from others. Besides, making a difference in somebody else's life has a way of coming back to you.

3. Meaningful work

A job with a corresponding high salary isn't always what makes people happy. In fact, these jobs often make people miserable (unless your heart is in what you do). Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to pursue their dream job. And not everyone finds meaning in their work.

You could try to compensate for this by volunteering at hospitals or environmental causes in your spare time. By finding meaning in what you do, you will feel fulfilled and have a sense of purpose.

4. Freedom

It's impossible to become truly happy when you don't have even a small ounce of freedom in your life. Whether it's being able to express yourself creatively or being able to make a choice for yourself, personal freedom is important. Suppressing yourself only brings forth a lot of negative emotions and discontent.

5. Success

Who doesn't want to succeed? People who have achieved personal or professional success in their life are more inclined to pursue other goals and try new experiences. They become more content with the direction their life is taking and are generally happier in the long run.

These are just some of what makes people happy. Not everything is about materialism. There's happiness to be found in even the simplest, intangible things.
