This is the Space Age! Explorations in outer Space are going on in leaps and bounds. Yet the problems of the individual are not that much different from those of the earlier stages of civilization. They're only more so!
This is the age of exploration and expansion. Everything is expanding at a tremendous rate, including the expansion of our intellect and our experience.
In order to keep pace with this rapid growth, it seems to me that our greatest need is not so much the exploration of Outer Space, but rather that of our inner space. Yes, we need to take total control of our minds, thereby controlling our destinies.
Donald Curtis in his early book, 'Your Thoughts can Change Your Life' suggests 12 steps you can take towards integrating your whole being and accomplishing what you want from life.
The following ten steps have been adapted from his ideas.
1. RELAXATION. Relaxation is the starting point for harmonious living . There's no limit to the healing power of the forces within if we learn to relax.
2. EXPECTATION. Expectancy in our minds is the cause of everything that happens to us in our lives - both GOOD and BAD. So we must expect the best!. Our attitude must be "Something wonderful is About to Happen!"
3. RECOGNITION. We must recognize the Indwelling Power. Those of us who believe in God recognize Him in this power - but others may call it the Universal Power, the Higher Power, Energy.. The name doesn't matter, because it's always there for our use.
5. DEDICATION. In order to be truly ALIVE, we need to have a reason for living. We need a greater Purpose in our lives, so we must dedicate ourselves to helping humanity in our own special way.
6. INTENTION. If we're to reach our full potential, we need to aim higher than just getting things because we want them. Align your wants to your needs. Hitch your Wagon to a Star!
7. CONVICTION. Know in your heart that what you visualize is already in the process of creation.
8. PROJECTION. Our feelings and thoughts project outwards in the universe. If we have love and harmony, we not only direct these outward towards others, but also draw more of the same into our lives.
9. ACTION. We must now take action.- Make an action plan, study, investigate and follow through and KNOW that a process has been set in motion.
COOPERATION. Nothing is ever accomplished in a vacuum. We must always work with other people. With love , expectation and cooperation, those people will rally around and everything will be accomplished with joy.
If we study and work on each of these steps and apply them to any particular problem or situation in our lives, we will move inevitably towards the conquest of our Inner Space, out of which comes all the issues of our lives.
We're all living in the Space Age - why not take destiny into our own hands. LET'S GO INTO ORBIT!
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