Friday, December 31, 2010

Yes, You CAN Expect A Miracle!

What would constitute a miracle in your life? . . . A million dollars? . . A great family vacation? . . A new car? . . A physical healing? . . Someone's love? . . a 50-pound weight loss? Whatever it is that you consider your miracle, know that it CAN come true!

This is not meant to be a religious process, however it does require FAITH. Many people will indeed interpret this to mean faith in God, while to others it will mean faith in some other supreme being or faith in oneself, faith in the universal forces, or in the quantum field.

Our definition of a miracle is really very simple. We're not talking about flying through the air or turning rocks into gold. We define a miracle as anything that you have ever previously considered impossible for yourself. . . the key word here being "previously", because the first prerequisite for the creation of your miracle is to be able to create the mindset where you now know that it is at least a possibility - because anything that you consider impossible CANNOT be manifested.

Or, as Henry Ford said, "If you believe you can or if you believe you can't, you're right!"

Now, how do you create this miracle? Just follow these simple steps.

(1) Know that this miracle is possible. If it has ever been done anywhere and to anyone before know that it is possible for you as well.

(2) Begin thinking about it, dwelling on the joy of accomplishment, get excited about it, dream about it and WRITE IT DOWN ON PAPER as if it is already happening to you.

(3) Make a Plan of Action with a list of steps that will move you toward your goal. Keep excited and motivated. Don't let your dream out of your sight and most important of all, don't let anyone, including yourself, cast any negativity over it. KNOW that you are in the process of creating it.

(4) Now TAKE A FIRST STEP. There's always something, however small that we can do to move us forward each day. Once you've taken that first step with positive expectancy, miraculously you will start seeing strange and wonderful things happen! Someone you meet accidentally may tell you something important - or you'll find that you pick up a book on just the right subject - and lots of amazing coincidences start showing up. This is simply the result of the universe marshaling its forces to move you toward your goal. Just be open and aware!

(5) Now relax! keep moving purposely forward each day, knowing that you are on track. Remember that once you have started this process, you are no longer alone in this. Stay open to the signals from your subconscious, from your intuition and from your environment. These are now all working with you to show you the way.


June Hardy of is editor of several Motivational Motivational Websites and Blogs: These are dedicated to maximizing success in our lives as well as on the internet. Lots of great inspirational stories and success strategies.  Motivational Blog and Self-Help Website


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Become a Master Of Your Destiny

This is a new blog with a very simple message. Success is everyone's birthright. 

None of us was born for failure. We all came into the world fresh and unblemished by life's problems and limitations and we only accumulate the extra burdens as we go along life's path. Once we accept the fact that the responsibility for our own lives lies within, then we can start to change our lives to anything that we want. 

In the coming issues of this blog we will be introducing you to a series of wonderful writers who have demonstrated over and over again how this process works. They have been teaching motivational seminars world-wide and taught millions of people the process whereby they could change their lives.

We will be giving you lots of free software and e-courses and strategies to help you on your way to success and we want to involve you in this process by asking for your feed back and your suggestions.

I hope that you will join us on this success journey

     .  .  June 


Become a Master of your own Destiny
by June McHardy

It is now a proven fact that this universe operates within a perfect system of natural laws. One of the most universally recognized of these laws is the Law of Gravity. According to the law of gravity, we all know that if you walked off the roof of a 12 story building anywhere in the world, you'd go "splat" on the sidewalk, whether you understood this law or whether you believed in it. The law would prevail.

Similarly, there are many other natural laws operating in our marvelous universe, one of which is the "Law of Positive Expectancy". In other words, whatever you think about all the time, with emotion, MUST be brought about in your outer world.

For example, when you get a great idea, and dwell on it, plan it and get excited about it, you activate the universal forces which will draw in opportunities, people and resources to help you achieve your goal. However the opposite is also true. When you start having fear or worry thoughts and dwell on them and visualize the worst possible outcome you are using the same universal forces to bring about exactly what you fear because what you think about expands and becomes your reality.

Therefore you owe it to yourself to always monitor your thoughts. Become a "mind policeman".
Whenever you start thinking fear or worry thoughts, STOP!!

Ask yourself these questions:
How can I improve this? . .
What can I learn from this? . .
Is there an opportunity here?.

As soon as you change your negative self-talk into positive, you change your vibrations and you change what you are drawing into your life . . because THAT IS THE LAW!

We are always engaging in self-talk. Consider the following situation: You see a possible opportunity and you say to yourself...

"This looks like a great idea!" (positive)
"But what if I try and it doesn't work?" (negative)
"Still, it looks too good to pass up!" (positive)
"OK, but I can't do it right now, I'm too busy.... or.. I wouldn't know where to start...or..I'm not smart enough,. or ...etc." (negative)

Wouldn't this be better self-talk?

"This looks like a great idea!" (positive)
Let's write down all the pros and cons so we can evaluate the idea properly" (positive)
"It looks too good to pass up!" (positive)
"Let's make a plan, work out what needs to be done and take a first step" (positive)

You can easily see that the second course of action would be more effective than the first in moving you towards your goal. The important thing is that we have been given free will. We don't have to follow the pattern that we learned from our parents or that we picked up over the years. If we are habitually harboring negative thoughts or fears, then we must make some changes in order to improve our lives. The problem is that we have been given this marvelous brain which is many, many times more efficient and capable than the best computer that man can build and no-one gave us an operating manual.

We owe it to ourselves to learn HOW to push the right buttons in our brains and create the reality that we deserve.

Let's become masters of our own destiny!